Friday, December 24, 2010


you all pernah main rounders? it's something like baseball. lan nampak these kampung tanjung batu darat kids main rounders tepi rumah terus main dengan dorang.hahak. teringat masa lan kecik, we always-always play rounders depan rumah. me, my jiran, my cousins-4 of them. there should be 4 angles usually ditandakan dengan selipar and satu selipar lagi kat tengah-tengah. kira tempat baling bola. we usually used tennis ball dan pakai kayu baseball yang plastic tu. ringan jek, macam cota(read:kayu itam yang polis or rela dok pegang masa buat ronda tu...!)seronok sangat. 

we were shouting, screaming and laughing like nobody's business! woooo...! run forest run!hahaha...ada yang jatuh terguling. ada yang pukul bola, pastu the other group takleh carik bola, puas ler orang yang tengah lari ni buat home run ntah berapa kali!hahaha...sambil lari, sambil gelak. semput tak terhingga! 

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend...

Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything...

If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give... 

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom... 

Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend... 


ada akuh mw cerita nih..
ni..sabtu lalu...kazen kuh (alfee) maw b'sunat lha kan...
masa tuh...dia suda dibius...
trus dea m'ronta ronta
n then lari dea kluar rumah..
na kan...kesian skarang...
biru sudaa 'tut' nyaaa...
nanti sabtu depan sunat lagi...
mudah mudahan kw nda lari lagi yaa alfee...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


huh..bosan gyla td petang..nasib ada budak2x bwa main..hehe..
bila brmain2x ngn durang nie..
tringat pula zaman skulah rendah akuh..

tyme sangat2x..hari2x men ma kwn..maklum lha..
dlu akuh ne bkan kaki komputer..hehe..
anyway...pada masa kw maw main? main polis2x..main kejar2x..haha...smua ada..
but masa brlalu trlalu pantas...
kalau lha bleh ulang masa ni kan...
nda mw akuh jadi besar...hehe..
anyway...i miss my old friends...
pa lha durang bwad skrang kn...
mudah mudahan durang sihat sejahtera d smping pamili yank trsayang... 

(macam diari daaa...hehe)

alan...r0g3r 4nd 0ut

Sunday, December 12, 2010

~SwEEt DiSpOsiTioN~

Sweet disposition

Never too soon
Oh reckless abandon,
Like no one's watching you
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
A kiss, a cry
Our rights, our wrongs
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
Just stay there
Cause I'll be comin' over
While our bloods still young
It's so young, it runs
Won't stop til it's over
Won't stop to surrender
Songs of desperation
I played them for you
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
A kiss, a cry
our rights, our wrongs
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
Just stay there
Cause I'll be comin' over
While our bloods still young
It's so young, it runs
Won't stop til it's over
Won't stop to surrender
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
A kiss, a cry
Our rights, our wrongs (won't stop til it's over)
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
A kiss, a cry
Our rights, our wrongs (won't stop til it's over)
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
A kiss, a cry
Our rights, our wrongs (won't stop til it's over)
A moment, a love
A dream, a laugh
A moment, a love
A moment, a love (won't stop to surrender)